Copyright Notice and General Legal Info:
The writings, illustrations, and most graphics are intellectual property owned by Lana Stanford and their concepts, structure, and organization are valuable property of Lana Stanford (unless otherwise noted), her legal heirs, agents, and/or her assignees. They are also protected by United States Law and International Treaty provisions. Upon continuance of viewing these pages, the viewer agrees to hold oneself responsible for their ease of offense (In essence, if you don't like what you see, I'm not responsible for it). These pages and the materials contained herein may not be modified, adapted, leaded, unleaded, disseminated, nor otherwise used, nor the writings, photographs, illustrations, and graphics nor any part, composite, or component thereof for any COMMERCIAL or PERSONAL use whatsoever without the prior written permission, consent, and assent of Lana Stanford, or her legal heirs, agents, and/or her assignees. With this notice being given, posted on 11/1/97 that the materials are copyrighted with all rights reserved.