Everything Musical Online!
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Music=The Song of the Soul
I have created this site, mainly due to popular demand. I enjoy music so much, that I am always looking for sites of different musical genres. However, I have found that in searching for music sites, I found out dated links, dead links, and just plain boring sites. I have complied a huge list here, of nearly every type of musical genre, that may interest you. I have also added some General music sites, that are of interest to anyone who enjoys music.
Please take the time to visit these sites, and let them know how much we all appreciate their efforts!
Sound Site! First, I suggest trying Foxy's Real Audio Jukebox ;) My own jukebox, has several genre's of music. Ready to go! Just a note about real audio..there is a link on my Real Audio Jukebox, where you can download it for free! Background provided by:Rosie's Backgrounds Please report dead links HEREAlternative Music Sites
Alternative Music Page
Alternative Rock World
Mak Net Alternative Page
Name That Alternative Tune - Step #1
Alternative Music - Bangin' & Screamin' - Alternative Music Magazine
The Alternative Music Choice
Music Modern Rock Showcase
Consumable Online (Alternative Music)
The alternative connection
Country Music Sites
Roughstock's History of Country Music
MusicLink: Music on the Internet
Twangin'! Country Music
Big Country - The Crossing
Corey's Country Corner
Red Hot Country Magazine
Country Music #101
A country music guide
Country Music USA -
Country and Western Encylopedia
Welcome to Hitdude Country!
Kickin' Country Magazine "Your First & Only Choice For Country Music"
Welcome to the Nashville Scene
The Unofficial Country Music Homepage
Western Swing
Jazz Music Sites
A Touch of Jazz Home Frame Page
Welcome to Jazz Online® - put a little jazz in your life!
The Red Hot Jazz Archive
Jazz Education
Smooth Jazz Daily
Earshot Jazz Homepage
New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival
C-Notes Jazz!
Main Page - Absolute Jazz
Jazz Improvisation
Rock and Roll Sites
rockhall.com Don't Miss this one!
Rock 'n' Roll's Greatest Hits
Interest Reading - Rock 'n' Roll
Omnibus - Rock 'n Roll Definitions
Rock-and-Roll Page
Rick's Rock & Roll Site II
Classical Music Sites
Classical MIDI Archives © 1998 Pierre R. Schwob
Classical Music in Italy
Classical Music on the Net
Classical Music Pages
Classical Music - Classical Insites - Classical Music
Sound World Classical List
The American Classical Music Hall of Fame and Museum
Interesting Links - Classical Music Information Good info, last time I checked!
Blues Music Sites
Blues Traveler Home Page
The Blues Channel Welcome Page
BluesNet home page
Beef Stew's Blues Playground
The Blue Flame Cafe
B.B. King....King of the Blues Mr. Blues!
Cascade Blues Association
Gospel Music Sites
Gospel Music Hall of Fame
Gospel Music - GOSPEL CITY - Gospel Music On-Line
GloryLand Gospel
The Ultimate Southern Gospel Home Page!
New Christian Music Network
The Gospel Music Archive
American Gospel Music Directory
Christian Music Bulletin - Canada's Christian Music Source
Music City News - Christian Country News
General Music Sites
VH1.com A must see!!!
Internet Music Pages
OnlineTV™ Video Jukebox™ This is very unusual, and interesting.
***** The Internet Nightclub ***** Open all night!
The Music Review Stay up to date with this site!
Encore Music
Instrument Jokes For a little humor, jokes about music, and music related info.
Music Resources
NewSong Online Home Page For new songs!
TimeWarp Record Store - MainPage - Rare and Vintage Vinyl Records The name says it all!
Midi Sites
MIDI Universe
Ultimate MIDI Page
The Home of MIDI
Josh's Mega Midi Archive
MIDI Haven
Midi File Central
ReelMusic - MIDI Tunebook
BourbonStreet Listen to me
CPR's MIDI Archives
Doc Doc's Place
Web Thumper's MIDI Page
LUF MIDI Boulevard
Johnny V's Music and Sound Extravaganza
Kmel MIDI Music Very Traditional sounds here.
Don Carroll's Midi Page2 He does his own!
Midi Song Files
Inspirational Jukebox
The International Lyrics Server
REMEMBER WHEN ( Memories Of Yester Years ) Oldies
Belair Blvd's Menu Page This site is worth a visit!
Midis Galore ~Golden Oldies
AISP Midi Might
Welcome to Midi Emporium
Disney Music Page Disney Midi's!
Ragtime Midi Music from Victor James
Golden Oldies Piano Midi Music Page The name says it all
SoundAmerica Tons, of midi's and links
Original Midi Ring If you can't find it anywhere else, surf the ring!
Real Audio sites
Real Audio Oldies Music Menu Page - Wanderer 50's 60's 50s 60s
International Radio
CNN Audioselect
AudioNet Music Channel
I enjoy surfing while listening to real audio..and it has a variety of stations to choose from.
Music icons provided by: Music Icons, Animations and ImagesHome