Welcome to Lana's Victorian Parlor!

Tea Time! RecipesMy parlor offers a spot of tea recipes, little crumpet recipes for you as well.
Classical Music SitesClassical Music Sites for you listening enjoyment.
Victorian Rituals Rituals used in the by-gone era.
Victorian Poetry, with links.
Victorian Era...Coming Soon!
Victorian Links

There are some nice victorian sites on the web, that you may enjoy. Here is a list of the very best ones, that I have complied for you to browse through and hopefully find something that interests you.
Victorian Preservation Association
Victorian and Other Useful Links
A Victorian Christmas
Living History: the history activity magazine...
I hope you enjoyed your visit here.
Come back soon, as I will be adding more items, tidbits, recipes, and maybe some surprises.
Drop me a line and let me know what you think of my parlor.