John F. Kennedy Jr. Memorial
America's memorial flowers for John F. Kennedy Jr. Prince

Good-bye John-John

May you rest in eternal peace with our Lord As we say good-bye to America's son, John-John Kennedy, the nation mourns, and the Kennedy's bury one of their own, again. This family has endured the loss of so many promising young family members. Here I would like to pay respects to the late John F. Kennedy Jr. with this memorial site.
John F. Kennedy JR. brief bioJFK JR. Photo Album
Kennedy TimelineForever Young

John F. Kennedy Jr, Rest in Peace.

Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, Rest in Peace.

Lauren Bessette, Rest in Peace.

Notable Links

George Magazine JFK Jr.'s Magazine

Time Magazine, America's Prince
An intersting article, with facts, and updates.

JFK JR. Plane crash
Updates, and information

Kennedy Family Tree
An interesting site, for the genealogy aspect of 5 generations of the Kennedy family.

Good-bye John-JohnIf you would like to use this JFK Jr. memorial graphic, right click and select save as. Link back to the main URL:

E-Mail me with any questions, or comments regarding this site.

...We all came from the sea,” “All of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean ... we are tied to the ocean, and when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch it, we are going back from whence we came.”President John F. Kennedy

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