Florence, Italy
Florence (Italy) (Italian Firenze; ancient Florentia), city, central Italy, in Tuscany Region, capital of Florence Province, on the Arno River. Located at the foot of the Apennines Mountains, Florence was originally the site of an Etruscan settlement. The city is world famous for Gothic and Renaissance buildings, art galleries and museums, and parks. In addition, it is an important commercial, transportation, and manufacturing center. It is a market for wine, olive oil, vegetables, fruits, and flowers, and it lies on the railroad and main highway linking northern Italy and Rome. Manufactures include motorcycles,
automotive parts, agricultural machinery, chemicals, fertilizers, plastics, and precision
instruments. Florentine handicraft industries are traditional and famous, producing
silverwork, jewelry (especially gold and cameos), straw work, leather goods, glass,
pottery, wood carvings, furniture, and embroidery.
Architectural Treasures
The city of Florence is dominated by the towers of its many palaces and churches and by
the huge dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. A Gothic structure with an
exterior ornately decorated with red, green, and white marble, the cathedral was begun in
1296 by the Florentine architect Arnolfo di Cambio, continued on a somewhat different
plan by his successors, and crowned with the great dome (1420-61), designed by Filippo
Brunelleschi. The facade, although not built until late in the 19th century, is faithful in
style to the rest of the edifice. The cathedral is the most imposing structure on the right
bank of the Arno. Beside the cathedral stands the 14th-century campanile, or bell tower,
which was begun by Giotto and continued by Andrea Pisano. Adorned with exquisite bas-
reliefs, the campanile (82 m/269 ft high) is perhaps the most beautiful in Italy. The
octagonal baptistery of San Giovanni, facing the cathedral, dates mainly from the 11th to
the 15th century, although some parts were built as early as the 5th century; it is noted for
doors of gilded bronze, especially the east door, called the Gate to Paradise, which was
executed by the Florentine goldsmith Lorenzo Ghiberti and depicts sculpted scenes from
the Old Testament.
Medieval and Renaissance Palaces and Sculpture
Near the cathedral is the Bargello, or Palazzo del Podestà, a fortresslike building of the
13th and 14th centuries, which houses a National Museum. The latter has collections of
enameled terra-cottas by the della Robbia family and sculpture by Donatello. The Piazza
della Signoria, containing the Fountain of Neptune (completed 1576), is dominated by the
majestic Palazzo Vecchio,for Palazzo della Signoria, a rough and sturdy but pleasingly
harmonious building surmounted by a crenellated 94-m (308-ft) bell tower. Built between
1299 and 1314, this palace became the seat of the town council in 1550; later the Italian
Chamber of Deputies met there from 1865 to 1871. The vast halls and state apartments
are ornately decorated in the style of the late Renaissance. Opposite is the Loggia dell
'Orcagna (late 14th century), also called Loggia dei Lanzi, a roofed structure open at the
sides, which houses a number of statues, among them the bronze Perseus (completed
1554) by Benvenuto Cellini and the Rape of the Sabines (1579-1583) by
Art Galleries, Bridges, and Churches
Between the Palazzo Vecchio and the Arno
stands the Palazzo degli Uffizi, built late in the 16th century to house government offices
and law courts. It is famous for its art gallery, the Uffizi Gallery, one of the finest in
Europe, which contains an unsurpassed collection of works by the greatest painters of
Italy and a rich sampling of works by Flemish and French masters. The nearby Ponte
Vecchio, which is lined with goldsmiths' and jewelers' shops, was built about 1350; it is
the only bridge in Florence spared during World War II and leads across the Arno to the
Palazzo Pitti on the left bank. This building, begun in 1458 and subsequently much
enlarged, was the residence of the grand dukes of Tuscany from 1550 to 1859. It contains
another famous art collection, particularly rich in works by Andrea del Sarto, Raphael, Il
Perugino, Titian, and Tintoretto. Behind the Pitti are the vast Boboli Gardens, used for
outdoor concerts during the music festival held each year in May.
On the right bank of the Arno, in a kind of half-circle around the cathedral and the
Palazzo Vecchio, are many famous churches and palaces. Noteworthy are the 13th-
century Gothic Church of Santa Trinità, possessing a fine, luminous interior and a 16th-
century baroque facade; and Santa Maria Novella (13th-15th century), with a colored
marble facade and richly decorated cloisters, one of the most beautiful churches in the
city. Eastward are the 15th-century church and cloisters of San Lorenzo, designed by
Brunelleschi. The adjoining structure is the Medici Chapel, private chapel and burial place
of the famous Medici family. Above the crypt of the Medici Chapel is the New Sacristy,
for which Michelangelo was both architect and sculptor; the sacristy contains the tombs of
Lorenzo II de' Medici, duke of Urbino, with figures of Dawn and Twilight; and of
Giuliano de' Medici, duke of Nemours, with figures of Day and Night (1520-34).
The Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, built by Michelozzo for Cosimo de' Medici in the mid-15th
century, faces San Lorenzo across a large piazza. Typical of the residences built by
prominent families in this period, the ground floor is a private fort with a graceful
courtyard, and handsome chambers occupy the upper stories. It houses the Medici
Museum. A few streets to the northeast is the former Dominican monastery of San
Marco, also largely the work of Michelozzo. It is now a museum in which are preserved
the works of the two monks and painters Fra Angelico and Fra Bartolommeo, as well as
the cell once occupied by the preacher and reformer Girolamo Savonarola. Nearby are the
Spedale degli Innocenti (foundling home), with Brunelleschi's graceful portico decorated
with ten of Andrea della Robbia's best-known blue and white terra-cotta medallions; the
Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts, housing many works of Michelangelo, including his
David (1501-1504); and the Archaeological Museum, with an outstanding Etruscan
Southward, near the Arno, stands the handsome Franciscan Church of Santa Croce, built,
except for a modern facade, in the 13th and 14th centuries. This church, with an interior
of classic Franciscan simplicity and decorated with frescoes by Giotto and other masters,
is called the Pantheon of Florence because it contains the tombs of Michelangelo, the
statesman and political philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli, the poet and dramatist Conte
Vittorio Alfieri, and the operatic composer Gioacchino Antonio Rossini, as well as
monuments to many other noted Italians.
Florence contains one of the greatest libraries in Italy, the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale,
with approximately 4 million books and pamphlets and many thousands of manuscripts,
maps, and letters. Other libraries are the Laurentian Library, containing a priceless
collection of books and manuscripts assembled by Cosimo, Piero, and Lorenzo de'
Medici; the Marucelliana and Riccadiana libraries, which are rich in old letters,
manuscripts, and prints; and the Moreniana, which is particularly important for local
history. Thousands of documents pertaining to the history of Florence and Tuscany are
preserved in the State Archives. The University of Florence, established in 1923, is the
successor of an institution chartered in 1321. Florence is the seat also of a noted
conservatory of music and of the Istituto Geografico Militare, which is world famous for
fine mapmaking.
Although Florence (Latin. Florentia) was founded in ancient times, it was of little
importance before the 11th century. By the second half of that century it was governed by
a council composed of nobles and learned men that nominally functioned in the name of
the people, thus making the city a republic.
Struggles and Fortunes
In the 12th century the Florentines captured the nearby town of Fiesole and began their
attempt to conquer all the broad, fertile plain drained by the Arno. Internally the republic
was divided by the struggle of its leading families for power, and in 1300 civil war broke
out in Florence between two Guelph factions, the Neri (Blacks) and Bianchi (Whites).
Dante, one of the defeated Bianchi, was exiled from the city in 1302. Despite its internal
strife, the city prospered. Industry—especially woolen-cloth manufacturing—and banking,
through which many Florentines later amassed great fortunes, were added to an ever-
expanding commerce. In addition, the organization of merchants and artisans into
powerful guilds gave the city an unexpected measure of stability. The wood guild, the
richest of all, employed some 30,000 workers and owned 200 shops at the beginning of
the 14th century. Merchants and bankers thus took a commanding lead in civic affairs and
began to beautify the city. The republic warred repeatedly with Milan in the 14th and 15th
centuries; in 1406 it finally acquired Pisa, downstream on the Arno, thus winning a long-
coveted outlet to the sea.
Flourishing Commerce, Flowering Art
Considerable friction had developed meanwhile between the workers, who felt themselves
exploited, and the wealthy classes. The conflict came to a head in 1433, when the
aristocratic party exiled Cosimo de' Medici, a wealthy merchant-banker and the leader of
the popular party. Cosimo returned in 1434, exiled his opponents, and in alliance with the
poorer classes became the real ruler of the republic, although remaining nominally a
private citizen. The Medici dominated the city, except for brief periods of exile, during the
next three centuries. Cosimo was succeeded by his son Piero and his grandson Lorenzo
de' Medici, called Lorenzo the Magnificent, a great patron of learning and the arts.
Lorenzo reduced the republican government to a shadow and by an ambitious foreign
policy succeeded for a time in making Florence the balance of power among Italian states.
The Florentine gold coin, the florin, became the standard of trade throughout Europe, and
the commerce of Florence embraced the known world. The great flowering of
Renaissance art in architecture, painting, and sculpture took place within little more than
the span of the 15th century.
Lorenzo's son and successor, Piero, made humiliating concessions to King Charles VIII of
France, who invaded Italy in 1494; in that year the outraged populace drove Piero and his
family from the city. Girolamo Savonarola, prior of the Dominican monastery of San
Marco, emerged as the leading personality in Florence after Piero's downfall. Savonarola,
however, who had long inveighed against the luxury of Lorenzo's court, came into
conflict with the pope and gradually lost popular favor. In 1498 he was seized by a mob,
tried, and executed. The Medici, returned to power by a Spanish army in 1512, were
again exiled in 1527, and permanently restored in 1531. The title grand duke of Tuscany
was bestowed on the head of the Medici family by the pope in 1569.
Florence Since the Medici
The Medici ruled Tuscany until their line died out in 1737. They were succeeded by
members of the imperial Austrian house of Habsburg-Lorraine. Grand Duke Ferdinand III
was driven from his throne by the French in 1799 and restored in 1814. His successor,
Leopold II, expelled in 1849, returned with Austrian troops, but he was finally deposed in
1859, during the struggle for Italian independence. Florence was the capital of Italy under
King Victor Emmanuel from 1865 to 1871, when Rome became the capital. In World
War II most of Florence's monuments were not damaged, but all its bridges (except the
Ponte Vecchio) were destroyed in 1944. In 1966 a major flood damaged numerous art
treasures in Florence, but many were restored in succeeding years by the use of
sophisticated techniques. Population (1990 estimate) 408,403.
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